Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Chocolate Fudge Ice Cream

The 3’Rs for Sugar Cravings

Chocolate Fudge Ice Cream is staring you down and calling your name in an abrupt manner. You see it and you’re having a hard time resisting. Is there anything you can do to curb your cravings? Definitely! What you need to do is practice the 3 R’s of avoiding this harmful but great tasting snack.


Be responsible and get your mind off of this treat and call a friend to talk you out of it. Go online and view weight loss tips! Out of sight means you won’t be thinking about it. Take a short break. Walk or even pray but you must do something to prevent this sugar high. Responsibility to you is the way to go.

Develop exercise buddies to support you when needed. When in a crave mode call on one of your support persons to give you a pep talk. Give yourself permission to be able to comfortably express your feelings for at least 10 minutes. Ten minutes is long enough that the craving for Chocolate Fudge Ice Cream will pass.

Substitute with a cup of hot tea with just a dab of honey. The sweetness of the honey will help get rid of some of the sugar craving. Even if later you give in no worries just learn from the triggers. There are a lot of ways to redeem yourself and they are as follows:
·        Throw the sweet food out
·        No put downs
·        Never shop hungry at the grocery store
·        Become goal oriented
·        Develop a Plan of Action
·        Process with friends
·        Eat Fruit and drink plenty of water!!!

Workout and use the 3’rs to curb your cravings and to stay focused on losing weight in the healthiest way possible.
Family Fitness Now
Rich Harper

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Family Fitness Now
Dr. Tasha Allen
"I am an athlete!” is what Dr. Allen can now say with high honors. She has been working out for 3 months with a mobile fitness agency Family Fitness Now. Dr. Allen mentioned that the last time she participated in exercise was when she was in college. She is now 55 years young and is thriving in her comeback. She currently has expressed that basketball, volleyball and softball are the sports she would love to do once again. During her tenure with me she can lift weights, basketball drills, agility runs, balance exercises, stretching, speed walking, and jogging. She is bound and determined to participate in safety techniques to prevent injuries and train near maximum fitness levels. Dr. Allen of Hayward California won't win any competitions, go to the Olympics, or be the best. But she is an athlete none the less.

During the month of April she participated in power walking drills at 200 meters for time. Her first walking attempt was 1:42.  On April 30, Dr. Allen power walked to a personal best 59.91 seconds. This is a 43 second decrease in time. When I showed her the stop watch she was so excited that she forgot she was out of breath in the moment of celebration. 

In her work as a dentist, she has to sit while using her arms a lot. So any major soreness can disrupt her daily routine with her patients. Dr. Allen and I have developed some exercise strategies that will strengthen her lower back, neck and shoulders in order to support her health.  It has been a real pleasure observing her growth, dedication, and willingness to stretch beyond her goals.

Summer goal: jogging around the Sports Complex I am an athlete. She is an athlete strong both in mind and body. “Thank you for allowing me to be apart of it all"

Family Fitness Now
Rich Harper

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

12 Ways to Lose Weight


If you are trying to lose weight here are some great ways you and a friend can do together.

1. Drink Water - (6 to 8 glasses each day will help flush your system and help prevent water retention)

2. Get your body moving now. (walk, dance, swim, biking etc.)

3. Set weight loss goals in smaller increments. It's easier to reach small goals then constantly thinking about the total amount you want to lose.

4. Cut down on the amount of fat you eat.

5. Increase the amount of fiber. (By eating more vegetables, nuts, flaxseeds, psyllum husk and fruits.) 

6. Gardening.

7. Don't deprive yourself of all the things you like, just eat less of them.

8. Put up encouraging statements on your refrigerator and even by your computer.

9. Get a buddy to give you support, and choose one that will enjoy getting some exercise with you. :)

10. Don't beat yourself up if you have a bad day and eat too much.

11. Take a daily multi-vitamin and mineral supplement.

12. Slow down on salt. (Salt causes high blood pressure, heart disease and other illnesses. It also can make you retain water AND crave more salt. That's why snack food companies make so many salty items!)

A good way to start a weight loss program is by cleaning our colon. If you desire to lose belly fat consider cleaning out your colon now!!
Rich Harper CPT

Monday, January 9, 2012

14 Ways to Stay On Your New Years Diet

It’s easy to feel motivated at the start of your diet: you’re taking steps towards better health, you’re enthusiastic about a new goal, maybe other people in the office are joining in … and the first few weeks go brilliantly.
But then, your weight loss slows down, life gets busier, and your diet and exercise routine become monotonous. Your motivation is disappearing almost as fast as the chocolate hobnobs in your desk drawer…
Here’s 14 ways to keep up your motivation for your diet:

1. Give yourself a break
If you’re tempted to give up altogether, try taking a weekend off your diet instead. Don’t go completely mad, but eat whatever you fancy, and stop once you’re full. A couple of days of not dieting won’t make much difference to your long-term weight loss … but it could well save your diet. (Be positive)
2. Look at how far you’ve come
Do you have a photo from “before” you started dieting? Dig one out, and remind yourself how well you’ve done so far – whether you’ve lost three pounds or three stone. If you recorded your starting weight, then think how much you’ve lost. Or look at your diet diary and see how much healthier your choices are today compared with a few months ago.
3. Read some great quotes
Some writers and speakers have the knack of giving pithy, uplifting, or funny quotes which can distract us from thinking about what’s in the fridge. You can place the quotes on your mirror, doors etc.
4. Blog it.
I know that blogging is new to a lot of people, and can be scary. Few women would willingly talk about their weight loss plans online, right WRONG. Woman are blogging about weight management concerns. Do a Google search. You'll see that there is a huge community of bloggers who are cheering each other on, and sharing their progress.
Feeling fat, isolated and depressed can make it difficult to reach out to people in your own community. Our own families are often unable to motivate us to make the life changes we really want to make. Having a place to record your thoughts, connect with other people who face similar challenges is crucial to your success. Build a community of your own and share your thoughts and Ideas from someone from Cleveland Ohio, Dallas Texas or even San Francisco California.
The internet is a fantastic place to find support, information and friendship. Free blogs are available through on Google and a zillion other sites.
5.. Treat yourself to something nice
When you’ve worked hard, it’s good to reward yourself. Give yourself a little present for how well you’ve done with your healthy living plans so far – it doesn’t matter if you’ve not even lost a pound, so long as you’ve made changes to your lifestyle. How about buying a novel by one of your favorite authors, enjoying a long soak in the bath, going to the cinema, or buying some new clothes to show off your improved figure?
6. Expect some failure and learn from your mistakes.
Rules were made to be broken, and sometimes you just need some cheesecake. If you fall off the dieting wagon, never fear. Once you surface from your sugar-coma, acknowledge that you overdid it, and take note of how your body feels. That sluggish feeling that follows overeating isn't a good one. Rather than punishing yourself with more overeating, or a drastically sparse day featuring only iceberg lettuce, take a deep breath and go back to the planned menu. If you spiral out of control on vacation, or if stress causes you to lose control, remember that they don't crown winners for losing weight, nor is anyone keeping score to make sure that you never step out of bounds. Take a deep breath, and start again but don't ever give up.
7. Set small goals and celebrate each one.
When you have lots of weight to lose, the thought of all those pounds can discourage even the peppiest of optimists. My client is two months into this, and has only lost 8 pounds. It's frustrating him to the extreme. His goal was to lose 85 pounds. He mentioned to me when I reach 10 pounds lost, I'm going to get a some new running shoes. He refused to focus on the whole 85 pounds - I've got two pounds to go, and then I'll work on that next ten. That's how you celebrate
8) Drink plenty of water or other calorie-free beverages.
Before you tear into that bag of potato chips, drink a glass of water first. People sometimes confuse thirst with hunger, so you can end up eating extra calories when an ice-cold glass of water is really all you needed. If plain water doesn't cut it, try drinking flavored sparkling water or brewing a cup of fruit-infused herbal tea.

9) Eat protein at every meal.

Protein is the ultimate fill-me-up food -- it's more satisfying than carbs or fats and keeps you feeling full for longer. It also helps preserve muscle mass and encourages fat burning. So be sure to incorporate healthy proteins like seafood, lean meat, egg whites, yogurt, cheese, soy, nuts, or beans into your meals and snacks.

10) Include fiber in your diet eat more vegetables and fruits.

Fiber aids digestion, prevents constipation, and lowers cholesterol -- and can help with weight loss. Most Americans get only half the fiber they need. To reap fiber's benefits, most women should get about 25 grams daily, while men need about 38 grams -- or 14 grams per 1,000 calories. Good fiber sources include oatmeal, beans, whole grain foods, and a variety of fruits and vegetables. The best "diet" is one where you get to eat more food, not less. If you eat more fruits and vegetables, you shouldn't feel as hungry because these nutrient-rich foods are also high in fiber and water, which can give you a feeling of fullness. Snacking can be a good thing as long as you choose smart snacks.

11) Lose weight slowly.

If you're losing weight but not as fast as you'd like, don't get discouraged. Dropping pounds takes time, just like gaining them did. Experts suggest setting a realistic weight loss goal of about one to two pounds a week. If you set your expectations too high, you may give up when you don’t lose weight fast enough. Remember, you start seeing health benefits when you've lost just 5%-10% of your body weight.

12) Celebrate success (but not with food).

You lost five pounds this month and walked every other day? Time to celebrate! Rewarding weight loss success really can encourage more success, so revel in your achievements. Buy a CD, take in a movie, and set a prize for the next milestone. Just don't celebrate with a sundae or deep dish pizza.
I had a client who would by colorful ribbons whenever she lost weight and it became a conversation piece whenever her friends would come by.

13) Get help from family and friends.

Getting support can help you reach your weight loss goals. So tell family and friends about your efforts to lead a healthy lifestyle. Maybe they'll join you in exercising, eating right, and losing weight. When you feel like giving up, they'll help you, keep you honest, and cheer you on -- making the whole experience a lot easier.

14.) Create a recipe club.
Share your thoughts and ideas with friends online or at home. Healthy Recipes can go a long way when you have support.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Here is a List of Good Carbohydrate Foods!

Good carbohydrates have been proven over and over again through valid peer-reviewed research to be essential to good health. Why? Because
healthy carbohydrate deliver essential vitamins, minerals and a long list of important phytonutrients.

Good carbs are also generally foods
high in fiber. I like to call them in and out foods they enter the body and leave our system the next the same or the next day. Besides being nutritious in many other ways,high fiber foods give you on-going energy and a sense of feeling full and satisfied. They also help to remove toxins from your body and lower your cholesterol levels.

The basic four best sources of good carbs are:
  • Raw or lightly cooked vegetables
  • Most whole fresh or fruits
  • Beans, legumes, nuts and seeds
  • And high fiber 100% whole grains

What are Bad Carbs?

My friend
Mr. Slavin mentioned that bad carbs are carbohydrate foods that have been highly refined and processed, removing most of the nutritional value and fiber. They're generally loaded with high-calorie fats, sweeteners, preservatives and other unhealthy additives.

With all the processing and additives, bad carbs can be made to be temptingly tasty. But they create a dramatic surge in insulin, which can overwork your pancreas, cause you to store fat and lead to
diabetes, heart disease, overweight and even obesity.

The basic bad carbs list includes:

  • All candies, jelly and jams,
  • Sodas, fruit juices, fruit drinks,
  • Pudding, custards and other sweets,
  • Processed refined grains, like white rice,
  • Bread and pasta made with any refined flour,
  • Cakes, cookies and other sweet bakery products.
Both diabetes and obesity are on the rise worldwide, but are mostly skyrocketing in industrialized countries like our own. Studies show this is mainly due to more and more people making poor food choices, causing a rapid increase in bad carb consumption.

The bottom line is bad carbs are bad and good carbs are good. And the smart thing to do is start replacing all refined bad carbs in your diet with good healthy carbohydrates. You'll look better, feel better and have more energy!

Healthy carbohydrates give you:
  • Energy fuel for physical activity,
  • The nutrition needed for optimum health,
  • And the nutrients necessary for good brain function.
And most of the good carbs are healthy high fiber foods that help you to:
  • Lose weight,
  • Lower cholesterol,
  • Prevent constipation,
  • Reduce triglyceride levels,
  • Carry toxins out of your body,
  • Avoid or even reverse diabetes,
  • Maintain stable blood sugar levels,
  • Decrease your risk of heart disease,
  • And have much better sustained energy.
Your best good carbs sources are from this healthy carbohydrates list:
  • Raw and lightly steamed vegetables,
  • Legumes, beans, nuts and seeds,
  • High fiber 100% whole grains,
  • Raw, whole, fresh fruits,
  • Most low fat dairy.
The Unhealthy Carbohydrates (Bad Carbs)

The main differences between most healthy good carbs vs bad carbs that are unhealthy is based on how much high fiber the food contains and how fast the carb sugars are absorbed into your blood stream.

Bad carbohydrate foods have been highly refined and processed, removing the majority of fiber and nutritional value. Plus, bad carbs are often loaded with unhealthy additives, preservatives and high-calorie fats.

Scientific studies show that unhealthy carbohydrate foods contribute to:
  • Gaining weight,
  • Heart disease,
  • Alzheimer's,
  • Diabetes,
  • Arthritis,
  • Stroke
And cause many other health problems that are skyrocketing all around the world. The "bad," unhealthy carbohydrate foods list includes:
  • Sodas,
  • Candies,
  • All pastries,
  • Jams and jellies,
  • Fruit juices and drinks,
  • Refined grains, like white rice,
  • Bread and pasta with refined flour,
  • Most pudding, custards and other sweets,
  • Cakes, cookies and any sweet bakery products.
The facts are clear – bad carbs are bad and good carbs are good!

So start replacing all the bad carbs in your diet with the nutritious good carbs today.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Family Fitness Now

The holiday season is a time to celebrate with family and friends. Be aware when you see all of the colorful foods in front of you and witnessing family over eating. Unfortunately, for many it becomes an excuse to over indulge because nearly everyone talks about a weight loss resolution plan in January. The holidays don't have to mean weight gain. So for this year lets focus on a healthy balance of food, activity, and fun. By implementing a few simple tips you can stay healthy through the holiday season and they are as follows:

FFN Nine Tips for Healthy Holiday Eating

  1. Be realistic. Don’t try to lose pounds during the holidays, instead try to maintain your current weight. Join an exercise group or get a fitness plan for free at Family Fitness Now.
  2. Try 10- or 15-minute brisk walks twice a day.
  3. Don’t skip meals. Before leaving for a party, eat a light snack like raw vegetables or a piece of fruit to curb your appetite. You will be less tempted to over-indulge.
  4. Survey party buffets before filling your plate. Choose your favorite foods and skip your least favorite. Include vegetables and fruits to keep your plate balanced.
  5. Eat until you are satisfied, not stuffed. Savor your favorite holiday treats while eating small portions. Sit down, get comfortable, and enjoy.
  6. Be careful with beverages. Alcohol can lessen inhibitions and induce overeating; non-alcoholic beverages can be full of calories and sugar.
  7. Drink lots of water through out the day before you attend a family function!
  8. Take the focus off food. Turn candy and cookie making time into non-edible projects like making wreaths, dough art decorations or a gingerbread house. Plan group activities with family and friends that aren’t all about food. Try serving a holiday meal to the community, playing games or going on a walking tour of decorated homes.
  9. Bring your own healthy dish to a holiday gathering. This leads to a healthy discussion.
Bad Holiday Habit: Stressing Out
Stay-Well Solution: Trim your to-do list; many tasks are small enough to drop or delegate. If the apple pie is from the bakery instead of homemade, no one will care. Shifting your focus away from yourself helps neutralize stress too. Enlist the kids to round up canned goods to bring to a food pantry. It sets a great example for your family and makes you feel good.

Bad Holiday Habit: Skipping the Gym
Stay-Well Solution: You don't have to be a compulsive gym-goer to burn calories. If you can't maintain your usual regimen now, walk a little more--take an extra lap around the mall during your holiday shopping. Or do ten minutes of strength-training at home. There are all kinds of in home workouts on the internet.

Bad Holiday Habit: Not participating in moderation
Stay-Well Solution: It's true when we see all the holiday foods we tend to forget about moderation. So we can over come this by talking with family and friends about your holiday strategy to avoid over eating. Family and friends will support you during the holiday season.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Holiday Food Management
When fall arrives, many of us turn to hearty foods, perfect for warming up, and if we're not careful, gaining weight. One thing for sure is that we must all remember to keep things in moderation and be aware of too many sweets.
Game-Day Grub
Game-day favorites are as follows: chips, nachos, pizza, hot dogs, wings, ribs soda and beer spoil many diets. If you're a sports fan, you may also be glued to the couch for hours every week watching football, World Series Baseball, and Pro Basketball. So if you're not burning off the extra calories from game-day foods. Try these tips:
  • Serve veggies and low-fat dip as part of your spread.
  • Eat from a plate instead of grazing at the buffet. This helps you keep track of how much you're eating.
  • Eat at home before you leave for the event.
  • Drink lots of water and add a piece of fruit.

Seasonal Beverages

Fall drinks include hot chocolate, pumpkin-spice lattes, eggnog, apple cider, and hot toddies. These drinks are tasty an easy way to take in lots of extra calories. A cup of homemade hot cocoa (without whipped cream) has 190 calories. One 8-oz cup of eggnog packs 340 calories. Tips:
  • Try a hot cup of green or flavored tea, rich with antioxidants and calorie-free.
  • Opt for light beer or wine spritzers, and limit yourself to one or two.

Halloween Candy – Frightening!

October brings bowls of candy bars at the office -- and tempting bags of candy at home awaiting trick-or treaters. It's easy to get enticed by those bite-size candies. But few of us can have just one. Tips:
  • Stash sweets out of sight.
  • Satisfy your midday hunger pangs with something nutritious, like fruit.
  • If you crave something sweet, chew a piece of sugarless gum or have some grapes.
  • Find a co – worker who wants to manage their weight.

All Things in Moderation

All it takes is an extra 100 calories per day to pack on 10 pounds a year. The best strategy for your health is to avoid weight creep altogether. You can do so by enjoying fall comfort foods in moderation.
  • Check your portion sizes.
  • Limit alcohol.
  • Eat plenty of veggies prepared without added fat and sugar.
  • Use low-fat cooking techniques and substitutions.
  • Put candy bowls out of sight.
  • Be on High alert!